How to Improve Clinical Documentation Practices for Neurodivergent Clinicians
Based on the information presented at TAGGS 2023, this post provides practical hacks and strategies for Neurodivergent therapists to improve the clinical documentation process. Readers will learn time-saving tips, organizational hacks, and accessibility tips.

Emotional Intelligence Activity Using Inside Out
Building this skill-set of emotional intelligence is important for both children and adults. Individuals successful at learning and understanding emotional intelligence are able to build relationships, reduce stress for themselves and team members, and understand how to discuss the conflict. This guided prompt for the Pixar movie, Inside Out, will help therapist clients’ or caregivers and their children learn to foster their emotional intelligence.

Using Animal Crossing for the Grieving Process
Animal Crossing players are using the open-ended design of the game to create beautiful gardens, altars, or memorial areas for loved ones, pets, and celebrities who have passed. This game offers a lot of healing experiences for those grieving.

What Clinicians Should Know Before Writing An Emotional Support Animal Letter
As clinicians, it may be jarring to have a client ask us to write them an emotional support animal letter. Before starting the letter-writing process, clinicians need to be trained in understanding what they are assessing. Clinical Director of Guidance Teletherapy, Ariel Landrum LMFT, was recently Interviewed by Elizabeth “Beth” Iraias, of Clearly Clinical, to help give guidance on the legal and ethical considerations of ESA letter writing.

It's Time To Talk To Someone... But Where Do I Start?
You’ve made the excellent decision that it’s time to talk to someone like a therapist or counselor. But reaching out to one can be anxiety-provoking. Guidance Teletherapy is here to walk you through how to find a professional who is a good fit, and how to judge whether they continue to be a good fit as treatment progresses.