Supporting Your Loved One After A Suicide Attempt
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When discussing mental health, the topic of suicide can be difficult to navigate. If someone we know and love has made an attempt, we may be left feeling devastated, overwhelmed, upset, and confused by their attempt. We may not know how to talk to them about it or how to support them. Guidance Teletherapy has created some actionable steps that can be taken to talk and support your loved one after they have attempted to end their life.

New Year New Career? How to Tell When You've Put Yourself in a Mismatched Career
Being in the wrong career is a fate that falls on many employees. Unfortunately, most people do not land themselves in the correct career on their first try and spend years wallowing in a mismatched career that leads them to feel stressed, both mentally and physically. For the sake of your health, it’s important to get out of a mismatched career as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for some of the top signs that indicate you have put yourself on the wrong path.