From Pet Restriction to Peace of Mind: How Emotional Support Animal Letters Help
Discover the power of emotional support animals! From finding pet-friendly housing to navigating mental health challenges, ESA letters provide legal protection and vital companionship. Embrace the love and support of your furry friend for a happier, healthier life.

The Benefits of Emotional Support Animals and Their Role in Addressing Mental Health Disabilities
Discover the profound impact of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) on mental health. Learn how they provide comfort, reduce stress, and foster social engagement. At Guidance Teletherapy, our clinicians conduct ESA assessments, establishing the vital nexus between mental health disabilities and ESAs. Reach out to explore the potential benefits of having an ESA in your life.

What Clinicians Should Know Before Writing An Emotional Support Animal Letter
As clinicians, it may be jarring to have a client ask us to write them an emotional support animal letter. Before starting the letter-writing process, clinicians need to be trained in understanding what they are assessing. Clinical Director of Guidance Teletherapy, Ariel Landrum LMFT, was recently Interviewed by Elizabeth “Beth” Iraias, of Clearly Clinical, to help give guidance on the legal and ethical considerations of ESA letter writing.