How Selfish Behaviors Affect Romantic Relationships, Friends, and Family Ties
How selfless or altruistic are you? Enough to be considered a good person? What about enough to create lasting and fulfilling relationships, both romantically and platonically? Everything from poor listening skills to procrastinating on a Venmo payment may have detrimental ripple effects for you and your loved ones. This research study helps give a glimpse of how altruism and selfishness affect important relationships.

Mental Health During a Pandemic and Its Impact on Sex
Many people are speculating what the effects of the current pandemic are on intimate relationships. The most prominent conjecture is that there will be a “baby boom” 9 months from now, as a result of couples sheltering-in-place together. My own private practice experience does not align with this prediction. Learn how mental health, well-being, and changes from the pandemic, are bringing to light the struggles relationships already face that negatively affect their sex life.