Top Therapy Tools and Books for Mental Wellness
Discover the transformative power of therapy tools and resources in today's fast-paced world. Dive into Amazon's top-rated therapy items, from the soothing Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Balm to the grounding Pinch Me Therapy Dough. Explore the rise of Night Therapy and Urban Zen Integrative Therapy, reflecting society's shift towards holistic mental well-being. Prioritize your mental health journey with these innovative approaches. 🌿🧠📚

How Selfish Behaviors Affect Romantic Relationships, Friends, and Family Ties
How selfless or altruistic are you? Enough to be considered a good person? What about enough to create lasting and fulfilling relationships, both romantically and platonically? Everything from poor listening skills to procrastinating on a Venmo payment may have detrimental ripple effects for you and your loved ones. This research study helps give a glimpse of how altruism and selfishness affect important relationships.

The Hulk and Posttraumatic Growth
Recently I was interviewed by Christine Killmer, aka “Christine the Middle-Aged Fangirl” of Project FanCare, a non-profit helping people with mental illness learn how to use their pop-culture passions to improve their mental health. Watch the interview to learn how I use The Hulk as an incredible example of posttraumatic growth and trauma resiliency.

5 Self-Care Routines For Everyone
Self-care is for everyone. There are a variety of areas in your life where you can incorporate more self-care. Learning about these areas, and the changes to make in them, will increase your overall well-being.