Chapter 2: Create Your Roblox Account
Chapter 2 introduces the process of setting up a Roblox account. You'll personalize your username and design a unique avatar reflecting your style. Ensure your profile maintains online privacy and enhances security by verifying your email and setting a robust password. Parents can guide their children through these steps for a safe online experience.

Connecting With Your Gamer Child
Relationship building is an important part of being a caregiver, and what better way than by meeting your gamer child where they are at: gaming. Using the therapeutic powers of play, we provide you with 4 actionable steps to help you build a relationship with your gamer child.

Using Animal Crossing for the Grieving Process
Animal Crossing players are using the open-ended design of the game to create beautiful gardens, altars, or memorial areas for loved ones, pets, and celebrities who have passed. This game offers a lot of healing experiences for those grieving.

Presenting at the Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit
From April 9-11, 2021, the first-ever Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit (TAGGS) was virtually brought to us by Geek Therapy & The Bodhana Group. Over 70 presenting professionals worldwide attended, virtually, to conduct panels, workshops, and presentations centered around Geek culture and fandom. Clinical Director Ariel Landrum, LMFT was given the honor to present two panels at the event.

Keeping Kids Free From Cyber Bullies
Technology allows us to become connected with others across large distances. It is also a threat to development of interpersonal skills as it allows youth to cause emotional and physical harm to others while under the cloak of anonymity. Learn the effects that cyberbullying has on youth.

Therapeutic Gameplay In Animal Crossing
Therapy is a vast field of opportunity. Funny enough, so is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Learn how therapists are finding ways to incorporate this popular game in their treatment with their clients.