Level Up Your Therapeutic Interventions With The Side Quest
Unleash the power of "side quests" in therapy! Our latest post explores how geek therapists can transform everyday tasks into exciting adventures. From creating a Quest Log to hosting a Quest Party, discover innovative interventions to motivate clients and make therapy fun. Level up your therapy game with us today!

Turning Red: Exploring Asian Diaspora Narratives in Therapy
This post highlights how therapists can use the recent Pixar movie Turning Red to help clients explore their emotions and experiences. The post covers the theoretical framework of Narrative Therapy and explores themes within the film that represent the experiences of Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community. This post is based off the presentation provided at 2023 TAGGS.

Member Spotlight: Stacey Inal, LMFT
Meet Stacey Inal, LMFT, a licensed therapist and women’s career coach. Using EMDR and Somatic Experiencing to help clients work through the struggles in their personal and professional lives. Check out her spotlight to learn more about her practice!

Why Teletherapy Works for Healing Trauma
Undergoing traumatic experiences can happen to anyone and healing from it can be a very difficult journey. Thankfully, teletherapy is there to foster a safe space, give personalized care, and provide privacy for trauma victims to cope and find the road to recovery.

Using Animal Crossing for the Grieving Process
Animal Crossing players are using the open-ended design of the game to create beautiful gardens, altars, or memorial areas for loved ones, pets, and celebrities who have passed. This game offers a lot of healing experiences for those grieving.

Resources for Individuals with PTSD
The month of June is annually observed as National PTSD Awareness Month. As part of increasing awareness and support, Guidance Teletherapy has gathered resources that may be helpful to those who have PTSD.

Presenting at the Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit
From April 9-11, 2021, the first-ever Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit (TAGGS) was virtually brought to us by Geek Therapy & The Bodhana Group. Over 70 presenting professionals worldwide attended, virtually, to conduct panels, workshops, and presentations centered around Geek culture and fandom. Clinical Director Ariel Landrum, LMFT was given the honor to present two panels at the event.

Keeping Kids Free From Cyber Bullies
Technology allows us to become connected with others across large distances. It is also a threat to development of interpersonal skills as it allows youth to cause emotional and physical harm to others while under the cloak of anonymity. Learn the effects that cyberbullying has on youth.

It's Time To Talk To Someone... But Where Do I Start?
You’ve made the excellent decision that it’s time to talk to someone like a therapist or counselor. But reaching out to one can be anxiety-provoking. Guidance Teletherapy is here to walk you through how to find a professional who is a good fit, and how to judge whether they continue to be a good fit as treatment progresses.

12 Myths About Being In Therapy
There are a lot of myths about therapy. People believe some of the silliest, and sometimes most damaging things. As treatment becomes more accessible, it’s worth it to learn more about what talk therapy actually is. I “myth bust” 12 common myths about therapy.

Child Abuse and Neglect Red Flags for Mandated Reporters Providing Online Services
Mandated reporters are professionals that, as part of their professional duties, are expected to report suspected child, dependent adult, or elder abuse. Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect have become more difficult for clinicians, as their usual ways of assessing are not accessible during a time of social distancing and online therapy. As someone who has been doing online therapy with children and families for years, I’ve had to make child abuse reports. I provide the common red flags seen during online therapy for potential child abuse.

Therapeutic Gameplay In Animal Crossing
Therapy is a vast field of opportunity. Funny enough, so is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Learn how therapists are finding ways to incorporate this popular game in their treatment with their clients.

Interventions for Online Therapy with Children and Youth
In response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), a lot of clinicians are offering, or entirely switching, their practice to online therapy. Therapists who work with children and youth may find this daunting, as the space provided by the screen allows for little control in the session room and out-of-the-box thinking regarding interventions. Learn the interventions I, and many online therapists use, with children, youth, and families.

Transitioning to Online Therapy in Response to COVID-19: How to Start, Legal and Ethical Concerns, Products, and Documentation
Local governments are responding to the threat of the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Many recommend gatherings and events of more than 250 people that could either be postponed or canceled. As therapists, our jobs include educating our clients, educating ourselves, and ensuring safety. Many of you want to learn how to provide teletherapy and don't know where to start. This desire stems from the desire to keep both you and your client safe. I share with you steps to get started, equipment to consider, and a chance to purchase my informed consent for teletherapy treatment.