How to Improve Clinical Documentation Practices for Neurodivergent Clinicians
Based on the information presented at TAGGS 2023, this post provides practical hacks and strategies for Neurodivergent therapists to improve the clinical documentation process. Readers will learn time-saving tips, organizational hacks, and accessibility tips.

Expanding Horizons: Thriving as a Therapist in the Gig Economy
Discover how therapists can thrive in the gig economy by exploring multiple income streams. From online therapy to freelance work, teaching, consulting, and more, this blog post explores various opportunities for therapists to diversify their income and expand their professional horizons. Explore the benefits, challenges, and types of work available to therapists seeking to enhance their financial security and professional growth in the ever-evolving landscape of the gig economy.

Using Animal Crossing for the Grieving Process
Animal Crossing players are using the open-ended design of the game to create beautiful gardens, altars, or memorial areas for loved ones, pets, and celebrities who have passed. This game offers a lot of healing experiences for those grieving.

Creating A Self-Affirming Office Space at Home
When Ariel Landrum made the transition from in-person to online-only, she ceased the opportunity to customize and accommodate her working space, to her tastes and needs. Learn about the items she obtained to make her home office affirming for herself, and her clients.

Presenting at the Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit
From April 9-11, 2021, the first-ever Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit (TAGGS) was virtually brought to us by Geek Therapy & The Bodhana Group. Over 70 presenting professionals worldwide attended, virtually, to conduct panels, workshops, and presentations centered around Geek culture and fandom. Clinical Director Ariel Landrum, LMFT was given the honor to present two panels at the event.

Supporting Your Loved One After A Suicide Attempt
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When discussing mental health, the topic of suicide can be difficult to navigate. If someone we know and love has made an attempt, we may be left feeling devastated, overwhelmed, upset, and confused by their attempt. We may not know how to talk to them about it or how to support them. Guidance Teletherapy has created some actionable steps that can be taken to talk and support your loved one after they have attempted to end their life.

Child Abuse and Neglect Red Flags for Mandated Reporters Providing Online Services
Mandated reporters are professionals that, as part of their professional duties, are expected to report suspected child, dependent adult, or elder abuse. Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect have become more difficult for clinicians, as their usual ways of assessing are not accessible during a time of social distancing and online therapy. As someone who has been doing online therapy with children and families for years, I’ve had to make child abuse reports. I provide the common red flags seen during online therapy for potential child abuse.