Unlocking Stress Relief: The Comprehensive Guide to Using Stress Balls for Various Diagnoses
Explore the power of stress balls in managing stress and enhancing focus in this comprehensive guide. Discover how these handy tools benefit individuals with various diagnoses. Learn about different types of stress balls and how to choose one that suits your needs. Dive into the science behind the squeeze and the role of occupational therapists in stress management.

Supporting Your Loved One After A Suicide Attempt
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When discussing mental health, the topic of suicide can be difficult to navigate. If someone we know and love has made an attempt, we may be left feeling devastated, overwhelmed, upset, and confused by their attempt. We may not know how to talk to them about it or how to support them. Guidance Teletherapy has created some actionable steps that can be taken to talk and support your loved one after they have attempted to end their life.

Is it time for a career change? These are the warning signs your job isn’t for you.
Curious if your job is the right one for you? Been struggling thinking about a career change. Here are the most common signs that warn us if we should quit our jobs.

New Year New Career? How to Tell When You've Put Yourself in a Mismatched Career
Being in the wrong career is a fate that falls on many employees. Unfortunately, most people do not land themselves in the correct career on their first try and spend years wallowing in a mismatched career that leads them to feel stressed, both mentally and physically. For the sake of your health, it’s important to get out of a mismatched career as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for some of the top signs that indicate you have put yourself on the wrong path.

Managing Stress Through Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is an important practice to incorporate into your life in order to help battle chronic stress, and increase self-care. I will teach you what mindfulness meditation is, and where to start.

5 Self-Care Routines For Everyone
Self-care is for everyone. There are a variety of areas in your life where you can incorporate more self-care. Learning about these areas, and the changes to make in them, will increase your overall well-being.

13 Stress Management Tips and Mantras
Stress: a six letter word that can wreak havoc on anyone, causing undue pain and sorrow. As a clinician who has a Certification in Stress Management, these are the thirteen common skills I teach my patients that help them change how they relate to their stress.

9 Signs A Toxic Person Is Affecting Your Life
Dealing with toxic people can be unavoidable. Though you cannot control these individuals, you can control how you respond to them. These are the nine signs that a toxic person is affecting your life.

3 Self-Care Activities You Can Do Now
Engaging in self-care is personal. It must be tailored to your life and your needs. As long as you are choosing healthy activities that you do to enhance your own well-being, it counts! Still, it may be difficult to know where to start. Here are three self care ideas you can include in your routine today.

Stress 101
Stress is loosely defined as '“the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response.'' Learn the warning signs of chronic stress, and coping skills to manage it in the moment.

Using Jealousy As A Positive Motivator In A Relationship
Jealousy is a complex emotion that encompasses feelings ranging from fear of abandonment and resentment, to rage and even humiliation. Jealousy strikes people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. It is a universal human experience that can serve as a motivator for positive, or negative, change in a relationship. This article will give you tools on how to use it in a positive manner.