It's Time To Talk To Someone... But Where Do I Start?
You’ve made the excellent decision that it’s time to talk to someone like a therapist or counselor. But reaching out to one can be anxiety-provoking. Guidance Teletherapy is here to walk you through how to find a professional who is a good fit, and how to judge whether they continue to be a good fit as treatment progresses.

12 Myths About Therapists
There are a lot of myths about therapists. People believe some of the silliest, and sometimes most hurtful things about us. As therapy becomes more accessible, it’s worth it to learn more about who we are. I “myth bust” 12 common myths about therapists.

The 9 Basic Emotional Needs
Part of the natural human experience is emotional needs. But what are they and how do we get them met? Learn the nine basic emotional needs, and what actions can be taken to help ensure they are satisfied.

What Is Anxiety?
What is anxiety? How do we know we have an anxiety disorder and aren’t just nervous? Learning what an anxiety disorder is, and what to do with it, can help you or someone you love finds reprieve. Here I educate you on what an anxiety disorder is, and what treatments are available for it.

When To Seek Therapy
Life comes with problems. This is a natural human experience. But when do those problems warrant professional help? Maybe we believe our problems are too small to bother someone with, or so large that nothing will help, or too personal to share with a stranger. Here I discuss six signs that the answer to your problems is therapy.

What Is Depression?
What is depression? How do we know if we are clinically depressed? Maybe we’re just feeling off? Figuring out if you or someone you love is depressed can be difficult. Here I educate you on what a depression disorder is, and what treatments are available for it.

Restoring Balance In A Relationship After An Affair
Life for couples after an affair is rocky. The relationship is off balance. What once was joy and peace, is now hurt and uncertainty. For any couple that decides to stay together after infidelity, restoring the balance is hard. Here I share the territories in a relationship that are affected after an affair, and guidelines for solutions.

How To Find A Therapist
Accepting that you need therapy is hard. Finding a therapist, however, can be harder. For Mental Health Awareness Month, Guidance Teletherapy has put together a guide that will provide you with steps to take when finding a therapist.

Managing Stress Through Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is an important practice to incorporate into your life in order to help battle chronic stress, and increase self-care. I will teach you what mindfulness meditation is, and where to start.

Therapeutic Gameplay In Animal Crossing
Therapy is a vast field of opportunity. Funny enough, so is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Learn how therapists are finding ways to incorporate this popular game in their treatment with their clients.

The Hulk and Posttraumatic Growth
Recently I was interviewed by Christine Killmer, aka “Christine the Middle-Aged Fangirl” of Project FanCare, a non-profit helping people with mental illness learn how to use their pop-culture passions to improve their mental health. Watch the interview to learn how I use The Hulk as an incredible example of posttraumatic growth and trauma resiliency.

5 Self-Care Routines For Everyone
Self-care is for everyone. There are a variety of areas in your life where you can incorporate more self-care. Learning about these areas, and the changes to make in them, will increase your overall well-being.

Diverse Careers in the Field of Psychology
Are you considering a career in psychology? The field provides diverse opportunities for individuals to specialize and become employed. Learn about 10 different careers and subfields in psychology that you may want to choose as a career path.

Types of Mental Health Care
The first step to finding mental health care is accepting that you need it. The second is learning what treatments are right for you. In honor of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month, Guidance Teletherapy aims to educate our patients on various forms of mental health to choose from.

Mental Health During a Pandemic and Its Impact on Sex
Many people are speculating what the effects of the current pandemic are on intimate relationships. The most prominent conjecture is that there will be a “baby boom” 9 months from now, as a result of couples sheltering-in-place together. My own private practice experience does not align with this prediction. Learn how mental health, well-being, and changes from the pandemic, are bringing to light the struggles relationships already face that negatively affect their sex life.

ESA Treatment Is Not For Everyone
Emotional Support Animal Treatment is not “one size fits all.” There are many situations where the bond between a human and an animal can alleviate adverse symptoms that stem from a mental health related disorder. There are also times when it won’t. We explore some common scenarios of when it is and isn’t appropriate to have an ESA.

13 Stress Management Tips and Mantras
Stress: a six letter word that can wreak havoc on anyone, causing undue pain and sorrow. As a clinician who has a Certification in Stress Management, these are the thirteen common skills I teach my patients that help them change how they relate to their stress.

3 Self-Care Activities You Can Do Now
Engaging in self-care is personal. It must be tailored to your life and your needs. As long as you are choosing healthy activities that you do to enhance your own well-being, it counts! Still, it may be difficult to know where to start. Here are three self care ideas you can include in your routine today.

Stress 101
Stress is loosely defined as '“the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response.'' Learn the warning signs of chronic stress, and coping skills to manage it in the moment.

Interventions for Online Therapy with Children and Youth
In response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), a lot of clinicians are offering, or entirely switching, their practice to online therapy. Therapists who work with children and youth may find this daunting, as the space provided by the screen allows for little control in the session room and out-of-the-box thinking regarding interventions. Learn the interventions I, and many online therapists use, with children, youth, and families.